I know that as I clicked his post that brought me to his sub section part of the forum under supporting vendors -that states
Welcome to the Supporting Vendors section. These are vendors who either do not as yet meet all the requirements for Trusted Dealer or are smaller, "hobby" vendors. While we have checked these vendors and are satisfied they will provide good and reliable service you deal at your own risk. As a rule, RWI will not become involved in moderating issues with these vendors. However, if it is brought to our attention that a vendor is not complying with his stated terms of service or is not performing in a manner deemed satisfactory he will be removed from RWI. Please use the vendor's review section (each has his own as a sub section) to provide other members with feedback on the vendor's performance. Please note: Unlike Trusted Dealers RWI charges a small fee (currently between 20 and 60 dollars a month, average $25) to these vendors for the right to be here thus "Supporting" Vendors.
Well, if that bit of disclaimer bothers you, then just ask any TD to source the watch for you. Typical of large dealers, they don't update their websites as often as small ones due to their established customer base. But you gotta start somewhere if you're a dealer and you can't move up from supporting vendor to trusted dealer if everyone based their purchasing decisions on dealer status.
But you can check a SV's reviews section to see if they're doing well (or not). If you get good service, most often than not you don't hear about it. Otherwise, you will get all bad feedback posted. Out of more than 4 pages, I could see only one negatively titled review and even that turned out to be a glowing review. So imagine the number of customers who got their watches but didn't even post a review.
It's a risk, but a very calculated one. But if you don't want to "risk" it, then by all means, the TDs are more than happy to sell you a watch.
Not to say TDs are perfect, even they mess up sometimes. But you have a recourse in case there are issues in this case.