Hi and welcome to RWI! Glad you found your way here.
You already got answers from
@eBoy , but consider that the newer collection of 38mm has not been repped yet as far as I know. There may be hopes for the future, but you'd be better off looking for alternatives than waiting, can be a long wait.
Please take some time to read the sticky threads in the new members area (all subsections), learn the basic forum rules and get some very good advice in the process. A number of questions has already been answered there, this is just an example:
The First Constitution of RWI https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...itution-of-rwi QC Rules https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...tle-on-qc-pics https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...of-qc-pictures Glamour pics https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...r-pics-and-rwi Multiple Accounts...
As a new subscriber, you've already been directed to this thread, please read carefully and look through the linked additional threads:
If you've just joined and are reading this, welcome to RWI. If you stop here, or read just the next few lines, that's on YOU, but don't ever say you weren't warned. If you are approached by ANYONE, absolutely ANYONE, offering you a watch, or a deal, via Private Message (PM), exercise common...
Another good thread to read to understand where RWI comes from and some fundamentals is this:
Most of the information you need to know to start is there. If you're preparing to buy, read the stickies before ordering. When you're finished, you can continue learning by reading the stickies in all remaining sections. If it's stickied, it's important information.
If you intend to sell, read the sales rules and all stickies in the sales section with particular care and make sure you understand each single rule. Sales rules infraction is taken very seriously here. As a new member you are not eligible to sell. Using the sales section is a privilege, eligibility must be earned, make sure you know and understand how.
For anything else, feel free to reach out to
@eBoy or me, we're happy to assist, advise, direct, explain. Don't hesitate.
This forum is a treasure trove of information and benefits from the engagement of all members who take their time to share their knowledge, help each other out and have some fun. We hope that you'll benefit and enjoy this platform as well as contribute positively to it.
If at any point you feel to contribute also on another level, feel free to pm the boss (trailboss99) to become a supporter and get some little perks with the status (editing rights, for example).
Enjoy the forum.