Soon I'll be back in the club...again. Had one, sold it...had more and more regrets about it. Now I ordered one with Ryan. Siked again! I know what I will get, so that makes the waiting even harder. Will post some shots when it arrives.
I am interested in ploprof and may I know currently which version is the best to go? I want one which suppose to be as accurate to the gen as possible.
Bam! Back in the club again! Thanks to Ryan and InTime. Woohaa! A few years of absence of my first Plo did make me decide to get one and never part with it.
Just a little bezel modding to do and the keeper is ready.
Well, it strikes me how much better the AR is now, then 3/4 years ago on the same model. I got the first batch back then, but this latest model looks way better in my opinion, and it at least arrived scratchfree haha! Man, I do love this watch!