I understand and agree. I don't nitpick the heck out of my reps, because...they are reps. However, we're talking about accepting the fact that you'll have a flaw on this less-expenseive rep, in that you can see the crown on the crystal. We accept the flaw. However when the flaw itself is not even done right, ie you can see the cronet, and it's off to the side.
I get that the crystals they use should have better crowns (ie, harder to see), but when they can't even line up what they do have, that's just sloppy.
I have 3 subs that I can see the crowns on (all from the noob factory), albiet I also have excellent vision (if I do say so myself). They are all straight. If I'm getting another, I want the same quality, not a step backwards (which I believe is the point of the OP's thread).
And I don't care who can see the crown at 4 feet away. I wear (and therefore judge) my watches based upon how they suit me.
So, if you're going to force me to see a tiny crown. Line that $%&!er up. That's all.