Great write up kitersoze!
You've actually beaten me to the punch twice now. I joined up just recently and found a sweet avatar only to later discover you already had the same one. So I switched mine.
Then this morning, I was walking to work thinking about how much I've already learned in such a short time from being on this site and thought, "I should write up a noob to noob post and include stuff like my own personal experiences and give basic advice such as pick out a few watches you like, then use the search function to research each watch thoroughly and then decide dealers. I could then also go over some of the finer details I came across regarding the whole process."
But of course this evening, I came across your post and a few others and all of it was already covered. Let it be a lesson to other noobs, if you think you have a great idea for a new thread, make sure you do some research first to make sure it hasn't already been covered. Chances are it has.