F stands for factoryJust want to clarify. There are only 2 makers. ZF , and YL. There is no maker called YLF. Correct me if I am wrong
F stands for factoryJust want to clarify. There are only 2 makers. ZF , and YL. There is no maker called YLF. Correct me if I am wrong
How long will it take before they put this movement in the Big pilots??
F stands for factory
Further question - it appears the hands of the YL version is more dedicated and well-made. Is that possible to transfer the YL hands to the ZF ?
I hope they will be ready soon. But they need to disable the running sec@9 and put it to running sec@center first. After that it's just swaping the movement.
Good to hear that. I will probably contact one of the TDs and purchase the hand.I would have thought so as the movement is the same.
Good to hear that. I will probably contact one of the TDs and purchase the hand.
I'm not sure there are many TDs who sell spare parts individually. You may find you have to buy both watches in order to selectively swap parts. I could be wrong though.
Hey Guys!
I know that a lot of you need spare parts, and sometimes you find it hard to get them from other TDs. Therefore i am starting a new policy where if you want a spare part for a watch that was not bought from PureTime, you can ask us to source for you on the basis that you order a watch from us at the same time.
I would love to be able to sell spare parts without the condition of ordering a watch from us, but it is actually harder to get a spare part than it is to get a watch, and the profit on a spare part is usually only a few $, so the time/profit ratio on spare parts is terrible. This is why i will need anyone wanting to order a spare part from us for a watch we didn’t sell you, to buy at least 1 watch from us at the same time (to level up the time/profit ratio).
For anyone wanting spare parts and the watch came from us, no worries there, this condition does not apply to you. Simply PM me your order ID and the part needed and i will see if it can be gotten.
Thanks and i hope this helps some of you get your watches back into good order and on your wrists!
I'm fairly certain the panda and the last watch don't exist in gen world.
From Angus (Puretime) http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=235631
Honestly, I don't think Angus will actually deliver on individual parts because it's not easy for him to do so.
Why why why no ardoise?