- 27/12/16
- 6,375
- 1,594
- 113
thats why could u share aabt what happened in the vid that u have already watched cuz alot of people like me would love to know, thanks
thank you alot, im hoping it wont be binned and will be out soonNothing New normal video!
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Try this Guys http://v.youku.com/pad_show/id_XMjgyNDgxODc4MA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0&source=http://i.youku.com/u/UMTkwMTkxMDU2NA==?spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0
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Is it ever coming out? @puretime Update us already, this is unprofessional
It's not unprofessional in the slightest. We don't have a god given right to get updates on watches. Angus does this as a favour to us to keep us informed. Until recently you had to just wait for things to be announced and launched rather than expecting leaks as the norm. Have a little more respect for a guy that goes out of his way to help this forum and it's members out!
Sent from the RWI mobile app
This is never coming out. End of story
All this time , my expectation TF cannot sell 200 pieces
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