Bad news, I received my custom strap but the watchmaker was unable to remove the "buckle" of the factory strap, there is one screw on the side, he turned it but it doesnt leave or offer resistence. There is a dot thingy on the other side. Is this some known secret or thing? Turning the screw just turns the other side of the "bar".
Can anyone tell me here or via pm a TD that has this (black dial SS) currently in stock? I would really appreciate it.
Doud do you think it’s significant? If it’s close and I won’t notice then it’s fine. I just don’t like the feeling of those cheap light as air replicas.
I was told it was in stock by puretime early last month, and I'm still waiting for QC pictures. Every time I email them I get the same answer "please wait a couple of days". My assumption is that there is a lot of demand and/or quality issues.
The item is precious, it is my new favorite. Quality is so good I cant figure out how they repped this. Finally got a black lizard Camille Fournet strap for it. I should have gotten a square scaled alligator band as that is more genuine, but still. It is lighter because it is open worked. If you want heavy, try a milgauss. Demand for Tradition should not be that low or else they wouldnt have come out with a second version, no?