Nice work.
It’s hard to compare the colour with gen unless you have them side by side.
But looking at pics the bezel colour is a bit darker than my old 2016 gen.
Gen is a flat Apple green. It’s actually an ugly colour. IMO OPs insert is a darker more Forrest green colour.
OPs insert (left), gen (right)
OP’s insert is similar to an old noob insert that I checked against my gen last year.
Gen(left), Forrest green noob insert (right):
Op you should also get a tall hand stack movement.
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Beautiful Gen.
The last photo is perfect summary of how I feel. Why is it so difficult to get the saturation right? All inserts so far don't have sufficient amount of colour in them. Look at this Seiko mod here - this green is better than any rep options out there, the colour is punchy and present - and it's not even trying. It's cheaper too...