I’ve long admired the 1675 with PCGs. My second ever watch build was heavily modifying a cartel replica with a Vietnam dial and shaping the case, and adding a genuine style bezel assembly. When I found out Raffles had a $60 case that looked to be stock size, I knew I had to give it a try.
The crown guards on the case are
extremely meaty, as you can see here. The crown itself also needs to be moved inward.
The bezel assembly itself is different from stock, and uses a gasket.
I began to work with files and sandpaper and began shaping the crown guards and attacking the area where the crown tube screws in. Tedious work and a lot of metal needed to be removed. Here‘s part way through:
I kept at it, and every time i thought I was getting close, I realized there was still too much metal left compared to gen.
I kept referencing gen photos and taking away metal. Many of the PCG gens are unique to themselves, and few are identical to one another. Few seem to have symmetrical CGs as well! When I felt I got the shape to where I wanted it, I swapped the Vietnam dial from my old cartel build, then glued in the brushed metal DWO from that build. I then matched the hands to the dial lume, and installed it all with a new asian ETA. Luckily the small GMT hand from the DG movement in the cartel build fit the ETA pinion.
And below is the final build, compared to a gen. I received the Tudor crown with this case in error and have the correct crown on the way to me. I think for a $60 case, this is a great option for people willing to put a little time into it.
Some more shots: