Try reading the rules of the forum. Also, we aren't into buying shitters from nobodiesWhy is that
Yes, you may wish to keep the amazing replicas to yourself please. Do not attempt to sell them here. Read the rules of the forum.Hello I’m new here with some amazing replicas
Hey, head over to the NEW MEMBERS area, read the introduction stickies, maybe introduce yourself and what not. All your answers are in that section.Why is that
And you will be keeping them because you won't be selling them here.Hello I’m new here with some amazing replicas
Ah, another fresh face with “amazing replicas.” Welcome! Before you get any bright ideas about selling those gems, make sure you’ve read all the rules—yes, especially the part where you’re not eligible yet. We’ve seen this play before, and spoiler alert: it doesn’t end well without the proper credentials.Hello I’m new here with some amazing replicas