There are a lot of options, made by different factories, and at different price points. The models also replicate different models of the Submariner, in different finishes, of different vintages, and of different materials.
YOU have to determine which option works best for your needs. Do you want a nearly perfect replica of the current Submariner? Do you want a passable replica with some minor flaws, but at a lower price? Do you want a vintage model? Stainless Steel or Gold? Black, Green, or Blue face and bezel? Etc, etc, etc...
It's an extremely difficult question to answer, probably even for's near impossible to answer for someone else. There is a lot of information on this forum, but ultimately the decision must be made by you, according to your needs. Use the forum to learn and to help choose what the best option is for your own needs.
Generally speaking, you can spend as little as $20 for a very poor copy, $100-200 for a surprisingly good Cartel watch, Maybe $250 for a big step up and a current model, and $500-600 for what's currently considered the "best" replica on the market. You could get a modified or custom "Franken" watch that approaches the price of a genuine Submariner. The choice is yours.