So, returning to the hobby, after a long lay off, and because the reps I bought and kept 15 years ago had all died after years of good service, I have been reading everywhere and genning up on the up to date scene !!
I soon learned that everything I had learned previously was now historical myths. I still know naff all, just a smaller naff all now !!
Thank you to all the members, traders and staff who have already made me feel very welcome, helped me along the road and given me advice when needed
Hellfcuk I haven't even had a rollocking yet, that's a bloody miracle compared to a certain Car Forum I now (through my own choice) decline to attend
I like this place, my limited experience suggests it to be a nice 'non snowflake' community feeling with a common interest at heart. Many aren't.
This evening I have taken a wee plunge and dipped an aged toe in the water, by buying a very very cheap "kit form" DIY replica from a really great guy on here. I will leave review once it's arrived, my gut says he's a nice sound guy and it will be a perfect transaction. I fully expect to be asking him to source me a nice Daytona rep after Christmas
Being used to the better factories of the older replicas from mid 2000's, of which most folks couldn't tell the difference by naked eye, I am quietly confident that cheaper reps of today will be up to my realistic expectation in comparison.
Lets put that into perspective on my own turf, as a lifelong Garage Business owner / technician, now semi retired but still running a small local garage business..............
"There is no such thing as a cheap Mercedes" !!
The "Kit form" rep
will be posted tomorrow, I'll keep updating as the Transaction unfolds, "fear ye not" I have a fair clue what I'm doing right now, the most daunting thing for me was trying to learn the "modern" acronyms, getting accepted as a half sensible but mental new member, and seeking out few contacts to develop a good relationship with as my return to collecting progresses 
To be continued .........................

I soon learned that everything I had learned previously was now historical myths. I still know naff all, just a smaller naff all now !!
Thank you to all the members, traders and staff who have already made me feel very welcome, helped me along the road and given me advice when needed
Hellfcuk I haven't even had a rollocking yet, that's a bloody miracle compared to a certain Car Forum I now (through my own choice) decline to attend
I like this place, my limited experience suggests it to be a nice 'non snowflake' community feeling with a common interest at heart. Many aren't.
This evening I have taken a wee plunge and dipped an aged toe in the water, by buying a very very cheap "kit form" DIY replica from a really great guy on here. I will leave review once it's arrived, my gut says he's a nice sound guy and it will be a perfect transaction. I fully expect to be asking him to source me a nice Daytona rep after Christmas
Being used to the better factories of the older replicas from mid 2000's, of which most folks couldn't tell the difference by naked eye, I am quietly confident that cheaper reps of today will be up to my realistic expectation in comparison.
Lets put that into perspective on my own turf, as a lifelong Garage Business owner / technician, now semi retired but still running a small local garage business..............
"There is no such thing as a cheap Mercedes" !!
The "Kit form" rep
To be continued .........................