Lets see your vintage watches
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 77,461 134,371 113 Ireland 19/11/23 #13,621 Reactions: gerunzio, KJ2020, Nur-Uhr and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 77,461 134,371 113 Ireland 19/11/23 #13,622 Reactions: Hec, gerunzio, KJ2020 and 4 others
369mafia Resident Explorer Expert Patron Certified 7/7/15 3,863 7,591 113 Canada 19/11/23 #13,623 Last edited: 19/11/23 Reactions: SteelTime, gerunzio, KJ2020 and 2 others
369mafia Resident Explorer Expert Patron Certified 7/7/15 3,863 7,591 113 Canada 20/11/23 #13,624 Reactions: relax, Hec, gerunzio and 2 others
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 77,461 134,371 113 Ireland 20/11/23 #13,625 Reactions: relax, gerunzio, KJ2020 and 2 others
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 77,461 134,371 113 Ireland 20/11/23 #13,626 Reactions: relax, gerunzio, Hec and 2 others
KJ2020 Time Traveler Supporter Patron 12/3/18 36,625 75,681 113 21/11/23 #13,627 Reactions: relax, gerunzio, C Master and 3 others
369mafia Resident Explorer Expert Patron Certified 7/7/15 3,863 7,591 113 Canada 21/11/23 #13,628 Reactions: SteelTime, relax, Hec and 5 others
369mafia Resident Explorer Expert Patron Certified 7/7/15 3,863 7,591 113 Canada 22/11/23 #13,629 Last edited: 23/11/23 Reactions: SteelTime, relax, Hec and 5 others
Dlink Getting To Know The Place Certified 6/1/13 85 232 33 EU 22/11/23 #13,630 Reactions: arna67, relax, Hec and 7 others
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 77,461 134,371 113 Ireland 23/11/23 #13,631 Reactions: diemuse, relax, brahmabull and 4 others
gerunzio Renowned Member 18/9/19 535 461 63 Italia 23/11/23 #13,632 Reactions: relax, brahmabull, Hec and 3 others
Radirka Active Member Certified 17/5/22 361 446 63 Old Continent 23/11/23 #13,633 54 years ticking and still going strong: Reactions: bronzefish, relax, gerunzio and 3 others
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 77,461 134,371 113 Ireland 23/11/23 #13,634 Reactions: relax, brahmabull, fred and 1 other person
Nur-Uhr Time Machine Patron Certified 20/2/17 4,034 7,456 113 EU 23/11/23 #13,635 Reactions: relax, brahmabull, Hec and 2 others
fred Respected Member Supporter Certified 17/4/07 4,605 11,046 113 Suisse 24/11/23 #13,636 Reactions: Fpicabia, relax, brahmabull and 4 others
MambaMentality60 8/24 Certified 30/5/20 747 425 63 Australia 24/11/23 #13,637 Reactions: diemuse, relax, brahmabull and 5 others
Alhig72 I'm Pretty Popular Supporter Certified 15/11/16 2,774 3,974 113 UK 24/11/23 #13,638 Reactions: SteelTime, diemuse, relax and 5 others
Feathers Known Member Patron Certified 5/9/21 144 340 63 Cambodia 24/11/23 #13,639 Should be in my hands next week once I get to the Post Office, fresh from @kilowattore - all credit to him for the photos as well! Reactions: arna67, relax, brahmabull and 5 others
Should be in my hands next week once I get to the Post Office, fresh from @kilowattore - all credit to him for the photos as well!
369mafia Resident Explorer Expert Patron Certified 7/7/15 3,863 7,591 113 Canada 25/11/23 #13,640 Reactions: wertman1, C Master, relax and 5 others