Lets see your vintage watches
PAM_BOY Legendary Member 6/5/19 10,956 31,694 113 Germany 18/8/21 #11,481 Last edited: 18/8/21 Reactions: deadpan
Q qualityazn Renowned Member Certified 11/3/18 716 174 43 18/8/21 #11,482 been mia so figured i’d share this beauty
K kilowattore Sales Moderator / Section Moderator Staff member Moderator Sales Section Moderator Certified 11/5/13 14,159 6,866 113 Italy 19/8/21 #11,486 Reactions: WayNorth, arna67, chicago83 and 2 others
K kilowattore Sales Moderator / Section Moderator Staff member Moderator Sales Section Moderator Certified 11/5/13 14,159 6,866 113 Italy 20/8/21 #11,487 Reactions: WayNorth, arna67, Danii and 2 others
Fergulator72 I'm Pretty Popular 4/5/21 1,261 3,103 113 20/8/21 #11,488 Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
Hector-Anabasi Known Member 26/3/18 119 79 28 Oslo - Norway 22/8/21 #11,490 Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk Reactions: TimosL, chicago83 and KJ2020
Hector-Anabasi Known Member 26/3/18 119 79 28 Oslo - Norway 22/8/21 #11,491 Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk Reactions: Alhig72 and KJ2020
Alhig72 I'm Pretty Popular Supporter Certified 15/11/16 2,774 3,961 113 UK 22/8/21 #11,493 Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk Reactions: Dpap and chicago83
Dpap Renowned Member Gold Patron Certified 20/6/13 711 146 43 22/8/21 #11,494 One of my last five remaining reps. 6610 with bubbleback, and true gilt galvanic dial. One of a kind. Reactions: WayNorth, deadpan and jackflash
One of my last five remaining reps. 6610 with bubbleback, and true gilt galvanic dial. One of a kind.
M muggs Known Member 12/9/19 186 82 28 London 22/8/21 #11,495 My great uncle’s watch. Recently serviced, hands cleaned up a bit (they were black!) and relumed by myself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Reactions: WayNorth, deadpan, TimosL and 1 other person
My great uncle’s watch. Recently serviced, hands cleaned up a bit (they were black!) and relumed by myself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk