Lets see your vintage watches
S schtozo Active Member 19/12/15 317 210 43 29/1/21 #10,822 Reactions: sukwonee, alfons123, EagleBear and 3 others
EagleBear I'm Pretty Popular 10/6/15 1,730 3,605 113 SoCal 29/1/21 #10,823 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Reactions: WayNorth, sukwonee, alfons123 and 3 others
PAM_BOY Legendary Member 6/5/19 10,974 31,801 113 Germany 30/1/21 #10,824 3646 on corrigia dieci Reactions: sukwonee, deadpan and EagleBear
Waffel2012 Getting To Know The Place 17/8/20 47 106 33 30/1/21 #10,825 Reactions: WayNorth, sukwonee, EagleBear and 1 other person
PAM_BOY Legendary Member 6/5/19 10,974 31,801 113 Germany 30/1/21 #10,826 6152/1 Reactions: sukwonee, alfons123, EagleBear and 1 other person
Buddhabar I'm Pretty Popular 20/8/13 1,984 1,967 113 Sardinia Island 30/1/21 #10,827 . Reactions: sukwonee, Waffel2012, alfons123 and 4 others
PAM_BOY Legendary Member 6/5/19 10,974 31,801 113 Germany 31/1/21 #10,828 Vintage meets modern classic Reactions: sukwonee, EagleBear and processengr
PAM_BOY Legendary Member 6/5/19 10,974 31,801 113 Germany 31/1/21 #10,829 3646 on corrigia dieci Reactions: sukwonee, EagleBear, processengr and 1 other person
Nur-Uhr Time Machine Patron Certified 20/2/17 4,027 7,436 113 EU 31/1/21 #10,830 Reactions: sukwonee, EagleBear, processengr and 1 other person
Waffel2012 Getting To Know The Place 17/8/20 47 106 33 1/2/21 #10,831 5512 Reactions: sukwonee, mjs22075, alfons123 and 4 others
processengr Respected Member 16/9/15 3,151 16,678 113 1/2/21 #10,832 Reactions: sukwonee and EagleBear
PAM_BOY Legendary Member 6/5/19 10,974 31,801 113 Germany 2/2/21 #10,833 3646 on corrigia dieci Reactions: sukwonee, EagleBear and Nur-Uhr
Hor-Fan When the going gets weird Patron Certified 14/1/17 4,841 5,984 113 Bat Country 2/2/21 #10,834 Reactions: WayNorth, daytona4me, mjs22075 and 4 others
G G.I. Getting To Know The Place 20/10/19 28 31 13 2/2/21 #10,835 Reactions: alfons123, mjs22075, Waffel2012 and 2 others
sukwonee I'm Pretty Popular 7/9/11 2,027 6,465 113 PNW 2/2/21 #10,836 Not sure if this counts as vintage Reactions: Nur-Uhr and EagleBear
PAM_BOY Legendary Member 6/5/19 10,974 31,801 113 Germany 3/2/21 #10,840 3646 RP on corrigia dieci Reactions: sukwonee