Any news about JF factory and about what exactly happened?
To all the AP experts here:
is this the last version of JF?
I am still not that experienced to see it
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It is not about JF.Any news about JF factory and about what exactly happened?
It is not about JF.
Basically, the Chinese police has been raiding the rep center in Guang Zhou (where all the dealers, including some of the forum TDs , get their watches from and where all the factories are based in).
It has been ongoing for a few days and rumours is that this will go on for a few weeks and maybe months.
If they do this like how they clamped down on the vice city of Dongguan, we might be seeing the death of the rep industry soon.
I would not underestimate the Chinese authority's determination but I would hope this does not continue for long.Maybe wait i dont think they can raid every week the watch center that would cost millions.