Hi all,
first some short info about me, before I may be flamed : I'm married an have 2 children, of which one daughter of 6 years and a boy of 16.
Now my question : what if some "information" in this list is wrong ? :?
What would be the consequences on the incorrectly declared sex offender ??
Have you ever thought one of us can be mistakenly "stored" there (no risk for me...as I don't live in the US)
Who's entitled to declare your neighbour as a criminal ? Reality show makers ?
I don't agree with such lists being legally? made public. This info should be dealt by police, hospitals, psychologists or whoever may use them in a right way : not Mr Anybody, i.e. you and ME.
Curious, because anyone may virtually be listed there against his will...but people leaving testimonials are...anonymous. :roll:
Imagine an insane killing his neighbour because of this list ! I'm upset about the way this information can be spread without control. That's not far from facism, sorry. Please, don't ask me what I would do if my daughter would be the victim of one of those : I would react exactly as you would, as I pretend to be a normal being. But THIS LIST IS A SHAME.