And you know what they say in Saudi Arabia..."...The more expensive the watch, the smaller the penis...." I'd post the arabic version but I can't get that font to work on this board.
Nice watch but put that watch on a table and put $2.3M in cash also on the table and which are you going to choose? The only value I see in a $2.3M watch is for some billionaire that wants to own the worlds most expensive watch. Don't get me wrong. Its a piece of art. Just you would have to be on drugs to pay that kind of money for that watch even if you were worth $100M. JMHO.
And the funny thing is,if you told 99% of the people out there that ya paid more than $100 for it,they would laugh at doesnt say Rolex... :roll:
i talked to a watchsmith in Hamburg working for WEMPE.
they have sent their most experienced watchmaker to get qualified for working on a Patek watch.
a UNITAS childplay for 6 month olds compared to these movements.