This will be my first replica I am going to buy on the internet. I have been reading and reading and I dont know who to order it from.
I am looking at a Super Avenger with a black face and white chronographs.
I am debating on:
Perfect Clones
Trusty Time
THe price is the same at Perfect Clones and Trusty Time, and $50 cheaper at Wo-Mart. Now they all look identical, is the cheaper one going to be different in quality? I want the best quality I can get. I am not worried about paying $278 for a replica, but i'd rather pay $229 if its going to be the same exact quality.
Let me know what you guys think.
I am looking at a Super Avenger with a black face and white chronographs.
I am debating on:
Perfect Clones
Trusty Time
THe price is the same at Perfect Clones and Trusty Time, and $50 cheaper at Wo-Mart. Now they all look identical, is the cheaper one going to be different in quality? I want the best quality I can get. I am not worried about paying $278 for a replica, but i'd rather pay $229 if its going to be the same exact quality.
Let me know what you guys think.