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I know, it's not a watch, but it is an Omega rep... :-]

Phil G

Put Some Respect On My Name
Stevenage, Hertfortshire, England

Over here 'the travelling community' (aka Pikies) regularly get onto church roofs and strip the lead off them because it is worth so much as scrap.

They also steal roadsigns, manhole covers in the middle of the road, and the brass plaques that mark the ashes of those in the memorial garden at the crematorium...


(Yet they are the ones bleating on about 'we are discriminated against!!')

These scumbags stop at nothing and have no conscience.

ThinkBachs;1013951 One thing that I have noticed more than anything is either a sense of entitlement said:
Most of the parents of the young children we foster don't or won't work. As TB said, they all know the system and how to maximise their claim.

One single mother of three young children asked for her children to be taken into care because she wanted a year out. We looked after them for 8 months. School runs, taking them to see their relatives while mum had a good time including holidays.

She managed to get two new laptops, Sky TV and driving lessons.
There will soon be more claimants than workers.