That crystal is not gen. Gen is 3.5mm thick and high-quality sapphire. Mikey's is only 2mm thick.
you are right, this is one of the thing I have learned today with domi, let me resume my journey
as I said previously today I have learned some interesting things
first even if it is gen, it is not perfect, and rep industry could do better, the best example is the gen cyclop who was with the gen AP 2126 caliber, it is in plastic in comparison the one in reps is in sapphire, amazing!
secondly the rubber gaskets, the gen one are very soft in comparison of the reps who are hard, so better is the reps, so to fit the gen rubber with the aftermarket or rep crystal it is possible but not the best to have a watch waterproof, so I don't instal the gen rubber gaskets of middle case and even back case as the reps are better quality!
to fit the gen rubber middle gasket, better is to fit the gen crystal who is 3,5mm thick, but you absolutely need the gen bezel too, and let me tell you that it is impossible to find one for the CP, so it will stay like this, and it is the third thing I have learned, our reps are not built 100% like gen, the shape look the same but some details of conception are different
finally domi have instal the gen tube who is a little bigger than the rep one, not a new information, the gen inner bezel, the 2*AR cyclop the gen case screws, for them domi had to mod the back case screws because the gen are to long, they need to be more shortly, not because mine have a different size of the gen, it is the same one, but because the case construction is different in shape where the screws come, on the gen the way for them is more longer than the one in the rep.
and last thing, I need 5 hours, 38 minutes and 48 seconds to go from domi by car!
the gen inner bezel, 2*AR cyclop, gen case screws, gen tube and crown, the gen middle rubber gasket fit on it those next two pics