wiscrna - hope it works out mate ... I have received word back that the pens are a little lighter (colour not weight) than the original but I recall the colour of the one I returned, when I secretly took it to the MB shop to check it .... it was lighter than the first original I saw but only marginally .... that was a rolling ball, then I saw a fountain pen and it was lighter than both mine and the RB. I mentioned this to the salesperson and she gave me a standard response about "when we use natural materials there is a variation ...." blah blah - all I know is that if I am paying 3 grand for pens they will match - at least they'll match each other! I told her that and she produced two sets - they matched, but again each set was matched to itself, not with the other set ..... makes sense.
The very good news (for me anyway) is that it looks as though I will be getting the MB Gandhi in both rolling ball and fountain pen, and pretty much 100% as per original, except for the stones in the cap. Not sure if I mentioned though, but once I get these I have the correct Mandarin Garnets to go into them - it is going to cost me a further $80 but these pens are for life so I reckon it's worth it - of course it would be preferable for the factory to simply make the things with yellow glass instead of clear or black, but they have said 'no'
.... just realised I am making Montblanc Pen Frankens
This is what I aim to end up with - the barrel casting represents the cloth Gandhi wove for his clothes. The garnet represents India .... I just love it ....