I've been long time lurking here. Kudos for the great community you have constructed here. The moderators and top contributors are the best I've ever seen.
I was always on the fence about buying replicas, since I feel that a luxury watch on someone who clearly can't afford even rent is not cool. I think you have to have certain wealth level to be able to carry a rep or even a gen. Now that nobody can say I can't afford a gen, is a good time to get some quality reps and test the waters.
Thanks again for this forum and expect me to review what I'm getting for all to know, and of course ask some questions (always looking first the archives)
Best regards
I was always on the fence about buying replicas, since I feel that a luxury watch on someone who clearly can't afford even rent is not cool. I think you have to have certain wealth level to be able to carry a rep or even a gen. Now that nobody can say I can't afford a gen, is a good time to get some quality reps and test the waters.
Thanks again for this forum and expect me to review what I'm getting for all to know, and of course ask some questions (always looking first the archives)
Best regards