I have both and imho zf is not bad, in fact is a good rep but XF is better far away. Zf have diferent case shape than gen. The problem with this watch, no matter zf or xf is that is so delicate that I don't wear it because titanium and steel parts are easyly scrachable and lume insert can be lost by normal use. Past week saw a black gen in an oficial expo shop without the lume at the 14:00, the xf model is so close to gen that is posible to loose same lume parts. In zf pelagos lume is diffefent and is more dificult to lost it, but! Keep warning if you want clean it with alcohol, it would disolve the lume and fuck your bezel. By the way, i can interchange both bracelet, i think they are from same maker but I can't interchange the endlinks.