Great post. 10 mins of rational well explained facts. Unfortunately he's right on so many levels but the ignorance ppl have combined with the news propaganda make it difficult for the general public to be unbiased. Criminals have guns and law abiding citizens have guns. The difference is rarely will you hear of a law abiding citizen using a gun for malicious purposes. The rule in media is if it bleeds it leads who wants to hear about someone lawfully going to a gun range shooting a perfect score on a target.. Like he said those vehemently opposed to gun ownership have never likely held, fired, or even had any training with a firearm yet have already a preconceived notion guns kill people. Those same people do not realize alcohol, drugs, mental illness also kill people and can be combined with knives, cars, or any make shift weapon. Is a free society supposed to ban any and everything that can potentially be used to commit crimes or mitigate it by allowing countermeasures? I'm glad Georgia, Florida, and Arizona are states in which sensibility is used rather than irrational arguments taken as fact in fear. Hopefully gun ownership and the enjoyment of the sport maintains a steadfast place in modern society for those responsible individuals. With the amount of guns in America and the extremely small number of incidents surely one can deduce not all gun owners are crazed individuals out looking to shoot ppl.