Evening guys'
I know a few of you are aware I had my balls BBQ'd this week and thought I'd give y'all a group update.
Final score: Hazza = 0 Asshole brother $$$$$$$$$$
H = Party to Party costs for 5years, client to Solicitor costs for 3week trial and party to party costs for the final arrangements and accounting
Brother = paying amount from P2P costs to full amount
So, not as bad as it could have been, but I must admit a life changer.
I was climbing on the plane to fly over for court really dreading the finality of this and just as I was turning off my phone I saw a note from [MENTION=100114]Jeane123[/MENTION] full of support and friendship.
For a good while on that long flight I was almost looking forward to court and I am still amazed at how his words helped me face a very dark day. Thank you Jean. And for the with you been email just now! Your a good man!
The rest of you lot, (balls in or out) know who you are, have been good enough to share this place with me while I've been slowly going mad and needing distraction. I thank you all.
Certainly, I have learned you can't choose your family... or more importantly when the hand of friendship will be offered.
I am humbled by the kind words here and would advise you all to visit this thread and maintain your friendships that can matter the most in the worst of times.