Ooh I was thinking of doing this! And guess what? It looks awesome!
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Ooh I was thinking of doing this! And guess what? It looks awesome!
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The trick is sourcing the dial. This one is a Raffles dial. The case is gen spec at 27.3mm so the Raffles 29mm had to be shaved down.
What about starting with a 114060 and getting a ceramic LV? I know it is not the same but might be an easier path?
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Nice one bro! Won't be one of a kind for long I bet!
For the day that is in it. Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit.
(See the links below the pis if you want to)
[video]https://r5---sn-q0cedn7s.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1584474694&ei=Jg5xXpmpA4eD0wW BxZ64Cg&ip= 8&source=picasa&begin=0&requiressl=yes&mh=wX&mm=30 &mn=sn-q0cedn7s&ms=nxu&mv=u&mvi=4&pl=21&sc=yes&susc=ph&ap p=fife&mime=video/mp4&dur=28.630&lmt=1584448219264660&mt=1584466842& sparams=expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,sus c,app,mime,dur,lmt&sig=ADKhkGMwRgIhAIwtYZleVnKpw36 CHw5NPK9g8VL3dHva2T a8ACrVCCQMAiEAm3WVC4bhHMR17jNu172gxrqzvGWuOM2TAdp7 aIKua04=&lsparams=mh,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl,sc&lsig=AB SNjpQwRQIgEDCcJd3jEWPX4ZSu-I6qlUQ5t1jRXK3paE31yWJ41bECIQCpZDd2UXkG8BAMmx0znah wBufJ7--NNiuhWyZjHPRhvA==[/video]