Gen only wrist shots
X xaneda I'm Pretty Popular 18/3/15 2,308 2,214 113 29/6/18 #2,621 Reactions: KJ2020, processengr, C Master and 1 other person
X xaneda I'm Pretty Popular 18/3/15 2,308 2,214 113 30/6/18 #2,622 Reactions: KJ2020, processengr, C Master and 1 other person
X xaneda I'm Pretty Popular 18/3/15 2,308 2,214 113 30/6/18 #2,623 Saturday Seiko double dates. Reactions: KJ2020, processengr, C Master and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator CertifiedTop Poster Of Month 7/10/15 76,116 128,687 113 Ireland 3/7/18 #2,624 Reactions: KJ2020 and processengr
processengr Respected Member 16/9/15 3,149 16,651 113 3/7/18 #2,625 Nice little trits... Reactions: KJ2020
EagleBear I'm Pretty Popular 10/6/15 1,724 3,555 113 SoCal 7/7/18 #2,628 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Reactions: KJ2020 and BirkinTourbillon
Therion666 Respected Member Supporter Certified 26/12/13 4,773 3,404 113 7/7/18 #2,629 Citizen Signature Moonphase Reactions: KJ2020 and BirkinTourbillon
BirkinTourbillon I'm Pretty Popular 25/3/14 1,484 495 83 7/7/18 #2,630 "Tienes que correr riesgos, en esta vida" Reactions: KJ2020
Therion666 Respected Member Supporter Certified 26/12/13 4,773 3,404 113 8/7/18 #2,631 Gens vs. reps 7:3 Reactions: KJ2020
P peterpl Respected Member Supporter Certified 24/7/11 4,779 787 113 9/7/18 #2,632 Reactions: phdsjain and KJ2020
KJ2020 Time Traveler Supporter 12/3/18 36,286 74,291 113 9/7/18 #2,633 Reactions: phdsjain and Rocky Mountain Region
I iwcpilotmk17 Do not accept unsolicited offers 7/5/15 7 8 0 17/7/18 #2,636 Here are my babies. I did a quick photoshoot, and tried to be artsy-fartsy with 1.4 aperture. I'll do it over later with some better settings. Reactions: Maron, phdsjain, TheDoctor107 and 1 other person
Here are my babies. I did a quick photoshoot, and tried to be artsy-fartsy with 1.4 aperture. I'll do it over later with some better settings.
I iwcpilotmk17 Do not accept unsolicited offers 7/5/15 7 8 0 17/7/18 #2,637 I forgot this one. Ok, it's not mine. I gave it to my wife for her 40th. Reactions: phdsjain, TheDoctor107 and KJ2020