Totally false. It is not illegal to own a counterfeit item. You will not be charged with anything, Your credit cards will not be cancelled. There is no penalty in the United States for purchasing a counterfeit item. On the other hand selling a counterfeit item is illegal in the United States. So no need to worry. But I do suggest using Western Union by going to a store that has a western union hub where you can hand them the money and have it sent. If you use western union online there have been a lot of problems that way. Mundus. you need to brush up on your laws if you're going to be a lawyer.
thank you very much puretime
at first a bit frustrating because my e mails weren't answered quickly , they had some Chinese holiday , watch left china on the 10th , today the 16th arrived in Las Vegas
this is a lot of thread for actually a simple process
by the OP own admission, he was being impatient.
24 hours to respond to an email is very very short amount of time.
this is a business they're running.
Glad you're watch has arrived and you are pleased with it. It would be good if you made this thread worth while and posted a few nice pics of the watch
Don't you need to provide your ID when sending cash in person through Western Union? If so, if law enforcement wanted to get you, they'd be able to just the same...