Since the OP doesn't seem to be the master of his own domain (I don't want to use the phrase "not in full control of his life"), I will help the poor chap out and just tell him what his favorite rep factory will be, so he doesn't have to put in any research or his own judgement:
So, here we go
Your preferred rep factory is: VSF
And since we're already at it, let's continue with your favorite watch brand: Omega.
Favorite ice cream: Nutella flavor
Favorite actress: Kristen Wiig
Favorite singer: Yoko Ono
Favorite food: Chicken-Satay with peanut sauce.
Favorite phone: Nokia 3310
Favorite car brand: Yugo
Favorite hotel class: 1 or 2 stars
Favorite vacation spots: Kabul, Bagdad and Mogadishu
Favorite drink: Root beer
Thank me later!