Eyecandy & Wristshots 📸 29th January - 4th February
Pinion Minion World Class Breaker of Movements Patron Certified 5/8/22 2,507 9,117 113 Texas 3/2/24 #281 Reactions: g00n, alex1410, BravoDelta and 15 others
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,765 16,372 113 Germany 3/2/24 #282 Reactions: tbandy, g00n, PlastikMan and 13 others
Turbo1 Known Member Supporter Certified 13/1/24 113 197 43 3/2/24 #283 Reactions: g00n, PlastikMan, BravoDelta and 11 others
Gadster Getting To Know The Place 30/10/23 33 76 18 USA 3/2/24 #284 Reactions: g00n, BravoDelta, Hec and 12 others
1MoreWatch Active Member Supporter Certified 15/10/22 427 798 93 Detroit 3/2/24 #285 Reactions: g00n, BravoDelta, Hec and 12 others
V vv8vv Is that a Rolex? 24/8/23 222 2,997 93 New England 3/2/24 #286 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, jg3456, g00n and 14 others
fatarms I'm Pretty Popular Patron Certified 9/5/12 1,823 3,629 113 Gelena Shitinerand 3/2/24 #287 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, g00n, PlastikMan and 13 others
MESSI ⚽️ 🐐 Patron Certified 28/4/13 1,129 1,638 113 🇺🇸 |🌎 3/2/24 #288 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, domiffm, g00n and 11 others
S submariner99 Active Member Supporter 28/4/09 366 1,888 93 4/2/24 #289 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, domiffm, g00n and 12 others
Teamjlf I'm Pretty Popular 9/9/19 1,709 4,265 113 Replica oblivion… 4/2/24 #290 submariner99 said: Click to expand... Sweet Tell us more about this one…. Reactions: PlastikMan and brahmabull
aggiefarmer The older I get the better I used to fly Certified 20/1/24 109 125 43 US 4/2/24 #291 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, g00n, Hasslebank and 12 others
flashu Tequila Patron Patron Certified 5/2/22 1,641 4,811 113 EU 4/2/24 #292 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, brahmabull, gmtmaster777 and 10 others
thumbsarehandy I'm Pretty Popular 26/4/17 1,274 2,638 113 4/2/24 #293 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, brahmabull, gmtmaster777 and 14 others
p0pperini patr0n h0arder Staff member Gold Patron Global Moderator Certified 29/1/19 9,544 34,805 113 UK 4/2/24 #294 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, domiffm, brahmabull and 14 others
CF_Stan CF/FC, ZrO2, PVD/DLC STupid fAN Patron Certified 14/6/23 3,270 16,260 113 UK 4/2/24 #295 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, domiffm, brahmabull and 12 others
Hasslebank DR. H4RDC@R3 T3RR@R Supporter Patron Certified 29/9/10 9,613 43,023 113 Archiregnum Hungaricum 4/2/24 #296 Last edited: 4/2/24 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, domiffm, brahmabull and 10 others
snaes 🏧 Supporter Certified 4/4/22 853 1,553 93 EU 4/2/24 #297 Not exactly a wrist shot, but Reactions: 1MoreWatch, Cloney, domiffm and 12 others
BravoDelta Respected Member Certified 5/8/19 4,333 17,561 113 The Land 4/2/24 #298 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, Teamjlf, domiffm and 12 others
Ah0rsey 18 hands high, bushy mane. Patron Certified 9/8/22 3,603 18,127 113 uk 4/2/24 #299 Wife's car hence "Heart 00's" on the radio Last edited: 4/2/24 Reactions: 1MoreWatch, domiffm, brahmabull and 11 others
Ah0rsey 18 hands high, bushy mane. Patron Certified 9/8/22 3,603 18,127 113 uk 4/2/24 #300 BravoDelta said: Click to expand... I love those little Tritium tubes, my old Ball Hydrocarbon was so frikken top heavy I couldn't live with it. Is this gen or rep and if rep how do those Tubes stack up are they ok? Reactions: brahmabull
BravoDelta said: Click to expand... I love those little Tritium tubes, my old Ball Hydrocarbon was so frikken top heavy I couldn't live with it. Is this gen or rep and if rep how do those Tubes stack up are they ok?