Guys Email him and no there is no catalog. Sead does not check this thread
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,514 130,415 113 Ireland 20/8/18 #21 Guys Email him and no there is no catalog. [email protected] Sead does not check this thread
mikegemmill Known Member 16/1/15 156 14 18 Cheshire, UK 5/9/18 #22 Received my watch 2 days ago from Seed (ARF sub) and the whole process was effortless, from QC it took under 7 days to the UK. Sent from my iPhone using RWI
Received my watch 2 days ago from Seed (ARF sub) and the whole process was effortless, from QC it took under 7 days to the UK. Sent from my iPhone using RWI
O Og1516 Do not accept unsolicited offers 23/7/18 9 0 0 18/9/18 #23 Zf tudor blackbay blue bezel received, beautiful watch. Thanks Sead