So, long story short, my beloved Davidsen Fiddy/PAM 127 is going back to his Gepetto in Hong Kong. Sniff. (Will explain later, in detail)
But first, a few photos for those of you who just pulled the trigger on this pricey, but very sexy watch.
This may be as close as you can get, until you get it on your wrists!
Strap: Tootall (RWI), "B2", 125/75 (CORRECTION on leather)
Case: (*bay)
NOTE: Comments about the watch, how accurate/inaccurate it is, are very much welcome. [smilie=kermit.gif]
But first, a few photos for those of you who just pulled the trigger on this pricey, but very sexy watch.
This may be as close as you can get, until you get it on your wrists!
Strap: Tootall (RWI), "B2", 125/75 (CORRECTION on leather)
Case: (*bay)
NOTE: Comments about the watch, how accurate/inaccurate it is, are very much welcome. [smilie=kermit.gif]