@TB :lol1:
This story, as with all my other anecdotes, is pure fiction. I really enjoy hearing a funny tale, and now and then I find one humorous enough to pass on to you guys. They're all from various web postings collected over the past few years. Hope they give you a chuckle, too.
Side note:
And if I were to ever do something as personally embarassing as shaving my ass hair (with all the subsequent education), you guys would be the last on earth to know about it.
I love you guys, but...no way in hell am I sharing that much personal pain with you.
Okay, I will share this personal one, but with NO details: If you are anticipating being in an environment that will make you nauseated, and you think you might throw up at some point (I was an Air Force Navigator in my first career), it is never....and I mean NEVER, EVER, EVER a good idea to drink half a bottle of syrup of Ipecac the night before (you know....get the barfing out of our system, get it over and done with).
If you're looking for ways to impress your instructors....there are more positive ways of doing it, and you need to search them out.
God. :facepalm: