the seller's site clearly indicates that delivery times are 7 to 12 days. Here we are talking about 77 days between order and shipment in transit. The job of the salesperson who does the job is to be clear with the customers and warn them of possible risks and possible delays, not to put the blame on the post office! The fact is that Andrew indicates on the forum that he accepts returns with a refund if they have not been used. This is not true as I have asked many times to cancel the order and get a refund, which he has always avoided!
Hey what part of Amazon or Illegal dont you understand. The site isnt updated daily on everything like legal sites. Think of the site as a suggestion of what has. Like a list you get from a friend to a drug dealer of what drugs he may be able to get. Delivery times can be fast but that was before a GLOBAL PANDEMIC and RAIDS. When we lived in a golden-age a watch would take 7 days to arrive......actually it still did when shipped to me. But you being in Italy and having to jump though hoops to make sure it arrives to you though many countries can create a delay. Seriously calm down your watch is coming. What you need to worry is customs. If they take it you are fucked. Its not the TD to have a guarantee on shipping times. But im done either you get how this works or you dont. If not then this hobby isnt for you. Take care of yourself.