Ale, amigo, you just made the most in compleete replica collecting tool ever!
I am impressed by the structure of the post. amazed by the time this has required, and amazed that you decided to donate such determination to us, the RWI family, when it is obvious how many purposes you could have used this focus and determination for. -things that could have gotten you much more prosparity than getting a huuuge reputation boost here in repdom.
Bravo, ALE! This is amazing, many many thanks for this. I have been reading this for hours and I'm sure this will be the post I will return to almost daily.
You just made this forum a world wide reference for Panerai!
This is truly a work of passion - and we are all the better for your time and tribulation.
A heart felt thank you, and tip of the hat - first class, my man - first class....