Der deutsche Wristshot Thread V2
Luca_1 Renowned Member Supporter Patron Certified 17/1/24 776 3,912 93 Germany 4/3/24 #2,241 Reactions: TheWatchGuy2, Sin City Black forest, domiffm and 3 others
weathermanGTS Load "*",8,1 Gold Patron Certified 8/9/21 2,754 14,526 113 EU | CH 5/3/24 #2,242 Reactions: Fabulously, domiffm, Twinny and 1 other person
derjenigewelcher Watch enthusiast Patron Certified 22/11/20 9,413 12,438 113 Switzerland 5/3/24 #2,243 Reactions: weathermanGTS, Daytona22, Luca_1 and 2 others
Luca_1 Renowned Member Supporter Patron Certified 17/1/24 776 3,912 93 Germany 6/3/24 #2,244 Neuzugang Reactions: Yondu, weathermanGTS, Fabulously and 3 others
TingelTangelTom God´s Gift to Mankind. 15/2/17 785 1,149 93 EU 7/3/24 #2,245 Reactions: weathermanGTS, Luca_1 and Daytona22
TingelTangelTom God´s Gift to Mankind. 15/2/17 785 1,149 93 EU 7/3/24 #2,246 [/ Reactions: airBUSdriver, mordret, threeh4sh and 3 others
Brudi Rolex Pro / AP Lover Certified 27/3/18 77 92 18 Germany 8/3/24 #2,247 Reactions: weathermanGTS, Daytona22, jeffshank and 1 other person
J jeffshank Getting To Know The Place 17/2/24 23 73 13 8/3/24 #2,248 Reactions: alex1410, Yondu, Fabulously and 3 others
Raminra Getting To Know The Place 4/11/12 58 147 33 Germany 8/3/24 #2,249 Hier meine gerade fertig gebastelte IWC Big Pilot Heritage Reactions: higginsd, weathermanGTS, Steelwatch and 1 other person
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,868 16,851 113 Germany 9/3/24 #2,250 Reactions: mordret, Yondu, jeffshank and 3 others
weathermanGTS Load "*",8,1 Gold Patron Certified 8/9/21 2,754 14,526 113 EU | CH 9/3/24 #2,251 Reactions: relaxyourmind, jeffshank, threeh4sh and 1 other person
SaSchlo Active Member Certified 10/2/23 273 81 28 Deutschland 10/3/24 #2,252 domiffm said: Click to expand... Klasse Uhr! Wenn du sie mal abgeben willst, meld dich gerne. Ich finde einfach keine 16622
domiffm said: Click to expand... Klasse Uhr! Wenn du sie mal abgeben willst, meld dich gerne. Ich finde einfach keine 16622
SaSchlo Active Member Certified 10/2/23 273 81 28 Deutschland 10/3/24 #2,253 Hallo Leute - klasse Uhren! Bin absolut begeistert von euren Stücken! Falls jemand eine 16622 oder eine ältere 16520 abgeben möchte, meldet euch bei mir! Bis dahin viele Grüße von mir
Hallo Leute - klasse Uhren! Bin absolut begeistert von euren Stücken! Falls jemand eine 16622 oder eine ältere 16520 abgeben möchte, meldet euch bei mir! Bis dahin viele Grüße von mir
SaSchlo Active Member Certified 10/2/23 273 81 28 Deutschland 10/3/24 #2,254 GokuSon said: Click to expand... Woher kriegt man bitte so eine Uhr? :O
1665fan Active Member Patron Certified 17/2/16 313 175 43 10/3/24 #2,255 Reactions: SaSchlo, jeffshank, weathermanGTS and 1 other person
Daytona22 Active Member 22/6/23 444 764 93 South Germany 10/3/24 #2,256 Heut am Arm Reactions: weathermanGTS and Brudi
weathermanGTS Load "*",8,1 Gold Patron Certified 8/9/21 2,754 14,526 113 EU | CH 11/3/24 #2,257 Reactions: Daytona22, mordret and EarlOfBacon
EarlOfBacon bad old man ... 19/11/23 544 1,121 93 Germoney 11/3/24 #2,258 Reactions: jeffshank, Daytona22 and weathermanGTS
mordret Renowned Member Supporter Certified 17/4/17 780 1,054 93 Austria 11/3/24 #2,259 Reactions: Daytona22 and weathermanGTS
TingelTangelTom God´s Gift to Mankind. 15/2/17 785 1,149 93 EU 11/3/24 #2,260 Reactions: alex1410, jeffshank, weathermanGTS and 1 other person