Der deutsche Wristshot Thread V2
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,869 16,852 113 Germany 26/1/24 #2,141 Reactions: calamityjane, Twinny, schiee and 3 others
N neme Getting To Know The Place 11/9/23 27 41 13 26/1/24 #2,142 VSF Datejust, aber zwei neue Uhren im Anflug Reactions: calamityjane, schiee, weathermanGTS and 2 others
Tudger15 Getting To Know The Place 8/3/23 17 57 13 Germany 26/1/24 #2,143 Reactions: calamityjane, weathermanGTS, domiffm and 1 other person
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,869 16,852 113 Germany 27/1/24 #2,144 Reactions: calamityjane, Twinny, rodriguezstyle and 2 others
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,869 16,852 113 Germany 27/1/24 #2,145 Reactions: mordret, Daytona22 and weathermanGTS
weathermanGTS Load "*",8,1 Gold Patron Certified 8/9/21 2,754 14,526 113 EU | CH 27/1/24 #2,146 Reactions: calamityjane, Twinny, schiee and 3 others
rodriguezstyle Active Member Supporter Certified 9/1/17 230 69 28 Deutschland 27/1/24 #2,147 Reactions: calamityjane, domiffm, Daytona22 and 1 other person
Turbo1 Known Member Certified 13/1/24 112 196 43 27/1/24 #2,148 Reactions: weathermanGTS, mordret, domiffm and 1 other person
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,869 16,852 113 Germany 28/1/24 #2,149 Reactions: calamityjane, mordret, weathermanGTS and 1 other person
Daytona22 Active Member 22/6/23 444 764 93 South Germany 28/1/24 #2,150 Reactions: calamityjane, Fabulously, weathermanGTS and 1 other person
weathermanGTS Load "*",8,1 Gold Patron Certified 8/9/21 2,754 14,526 113 EU | CH 29/1/24 #2,151 Reactions: domiffm, calamityjane, dxstinb and 4 others
mordret Renowned Member Supporter Certified 17/4/17 780 1,054 93 Austria 29/1/24 #2,152 Reactions: calamityjane, Twinny, SteveMcQueen1930 and 2 others
N neme Getting To Know The Place 11/9/23 27 41 13 29/1/24 #2,153 Neuzugang Nr. 1: BP 16710 Pepsi mit VR3816 Reactions: Twinny, domiffm, weathermanGTS and 1 other person
N neme Getting To Know The Place 11/9/23 27 41 13 30/1/24 #2,154 Ich meinte natürlich 3186 und nicht 3816. Hier Neuzugang Nr 2: VSF Submariner Reactions: calamityjane, Twinny, domiffm and 3 others
P Pepperhot Getting To Know The Place 4/12/22 24 40 13 Europa 30/1/24 #2,155 Reactions: domiffm, Daytona22, weathermanGTS and 2 others
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,869 16,852 113 Germany 31/1/24 #2,156 Reactions: calamityjane, weathermanGTS, Daytona22 and 1 other person
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,869 16,852 113 Germany 1/2/24 #2,157 Reactions: calamityjane, weathermanGTS and Daytona22
EarlOfBacon bad old man ... 19/11/23 544 1,121 93 Germoney 1/2/24 #2,158 Hab meine first lady angefixt Zartes Intresse an einer weiteren (Cartier) wurde bereits bekundet Reactions: calamityjane, weathermanGTS and Daytona22
Daytona22 Active Member 22/6/23 444 764 93 South Germany 1/2/24 #2,159 Reactions: calamityjane, domiffm, weathermanGTS and 1 other person
dxstinb Do not accept unsolicited offers Certified 1/2/24 5 6 3 Germany 1/2/24 #2,160 Reactions: weathermanGTS and domiffm