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Deciding which Dealer to buy from. Panerai - Luminor PAM438 GMT Ceramic/Cer Black VSF P9001


Do not accept unsolicited offers
Hello, this would be my first post. I have been a member for awhile and just decided that I would make a purchase.
I just have a few question in hand and wanted to know your input with my first purchase.
I am trying to get "Panerai Tuttonero - PAM 438"
After looking around, I've decide I would take my chance on theonewatches.io.
They are only going for $488.

I was just wondering how come theonewatches.io can sell for such low prices compare to puretimewatch, jtime or trustytime888?
They are roughly $100 difference.

I've asked the rep at theonewatches and did confirm that it will be VSF Super Clone V2.

Here are the dealers I've been comparing it to.
https://theonewatches.io/index.php?route=product/product&search=PAM438&product_id=7385&search=PAM438 - $488
https://puretimewatch.io/pam438-o-r...t-edition-on-ceramic-bracelet-p9001-b-v2.html - $588
https://trustytime888.io/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=37_51&products_id=18489 - $588
https://jtime.io/us/pam438-o-real-ceramic-vsf-1-1-best-edition-on-ceramic-bracelet-p9001-b-v2.html - $538

Can anyone explain how theonewatches can pull off $100 difference? Will I receive the same version of the watch?

Sorry for such a noob question.



⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
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A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU

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⚜️ RWI NMA Chief Bracelet Link Remover ⛓️‍💥🔗🪛🔧
Section Moderator
A place of darkness and light a.k.a. EU
TD prices across the board will have an average difference between different dealers. If that average of difference for a certain watch is, let's say 10 USD, this doesn't mean that between 50 dealers, 25 offer it at 490 and the other 25 offer it at 500, it could still also even out to be 10 if one of those 50 dealers offers it at 350.

Sometimes, watches are offered at a significantly lower rate, either for an obvious reason like a discount or a promotion or for a less obvious one. I don't find it to be that incredibly odd that a certain dealer carries a particular watch of an average price of roughly 600 USD for 100 USD less at roughly 500 USD... It's called the free market. And it's a pretty common occurrence in capitalism. 😉😆
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