yep ... looks like thatyes, but they buy BTF ahahahah
yep ... looks like thatyes, but they buy BTF ahahahah
if we only talk about the white dial I can tell you that BTF has the best white color and the best counters while the CF has the best text and the best Daytona red ... and anything you like more on BTF than on CF? I am more thinking of ordering BTF due to different white of the dial ... but most people everywhere are recommending CF ...
This is CF, I do not have a BTF to compare with unfortunatelyis this the same as on you presented on post #4,136? ... Or do you have CF and BTF ... asking as on #4,138 you said its 'CF last batch' and I am still undecided between CF and BTF...
This is CF, I do not have a BTF to compare with unfortunatelyis this the same as on you presented on post #4,136? ... Or do you have CF and BTF ... asking as on #4,138 you said its 'CF last batch' and I am still undecided between CF and BTF...
come on mate, you've had this long enough now.... time to sell it
come on mate, you've had this long enough now.... time to sell it
or I am going to have to go a buy a blue 509 as I need my TONA itch scratched.....or is it scratch itched?