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Damn... I need help....Ultimate PO (brandnew) NOT working!!!


Known Member
paneraifreak said:
screwed all the way.

The thing is a goner.

No playee with your toyee.


Exchange or a watchsmith

The thing was goner already when it arrived here....... from....... xxxxx
And I did not play with the toy...... where did you read that?


Active Member
So short a thread... so much poor advice.

Hit it, shake it, oil it, wind it.


This is a dead parrot.

Don't wind your auto... some autos don't appreciate it.. damage can ensue. If you must wind (why?) do so very, very, very gently.

Simply shake... lovingly, from side to side... and strap it on. It will run all day.

Oil it? Don't even think about it. Lubrication is delivered in micro-drops. Aerosols are not a good idea...

Hit it? Yes... why not? A mechanical watch is a precision mechanism composed of dozens of fine-tolerance components. What harm can a good thumping do?

Edit to add: Sheesh!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
saskwatch said:
paneraifreak said:
screwed all the way.

The thing is a goner.

No playee with your toyee.


Exchange or a watchsmith

The thing was goner already when it arrived here....... from....... xxxxx
And I did not play with the toy...... where did you read that?

OK SIR :shock: :shock: :shock:

I beg your pardon. :shock: :shock:

This is a rep, you know.

These watches are no more serious than a counterfeit dollar bill.

They are fun to wear, fun to fool people with, fun to dismantle and rebuild or even mod...

and as far as i know my linguistics: FUN is a word historically associated with PLAY and TOY

so make the connection or leave it at that, your choice.


Renowned Member
Why wouldn't you wind an automatic watch? They don't like it? That's a news for me...


Known Member
paneraifreak said:
saskwatch said:
paneraifreak said:
screwed all the way.

The thing is a goner.

No playee with your toyee.


Exchange or a watchsmith

The thing was goner already when it arrived here....... from....... xxxxx
And I did not play with the toy...... where did you read that?

OK SIR :shock: :shock: :shock:

I beg your pardon. :shock: :shock:

This is a rep, you know.

These watches are no more serious than a counterfeit dollar bill.

They are fun to wear, fun to fool people with, fun to dismantle and rebuild or even mod...

and as far as i know my linguistics: FUN is a word historically associated with PLAY and TOY

so make the connection or leave it at that, your choice.

I wasnt asking for a linguistic reflection, I was just interested where you got the impression I toyed with my rep?
Which post exactly? But its rhetorically probably smarter to bring up something else, than answering a simple question.

I made the connection, its fun to you if other people have a broken rep delivered.... great then post it in humour...
I am not humorless, but with "play with your toy" you said I did something to the rep, which I didnt.
I got a rep that is not working. I am not nitpicking.
It is not a croocked minute marker or some small issue which I am anal about, it doesnt show the time! Get that? That funny to you?
... there is nothing against humour and not every post must be helpful.... but if someone is trying to twist the facts, I have to correct it.
Its not selfexperimenting that killed the watch,.... it came that way.... and since its a swiss eta in it I am asking for help....
To me a broken rep is not really funny....

back to the problem:

@highflyingclive :
thanks for the advice..... I didnt oil it. thank god.... and I didnt open it or do anything, only thing I did was shake it like a mf...
But I guess there is no little trick I can do to fix it .... I was hoping for a tip like "shake it for an hour and then you'll be alright forever..."
cause shaking the watch is about all I am technical capable of....
The seller has replied .... and offered to repair the watch.... so I guess I will go for that if I want it to function.....
damnit.... thought I was safe going swiss....


I'm Pretty Popular
saskwatch said:
andreww said:
I think you should have notified the dealer before you tried to play watchsmith. :roll:

Not sure what you meant by "hit it with very light oil", but I'm thinking it cant be good.

Andrewww & paneraifreak ..... where did you get the idea I played watchsmith ????? which post are you refering to?

I have taken the PO out of the box, on my wrist and back in the box....... how watchsmithy is that ???
Seen the dealer has sent me a broken watch and emailed him about it...... so far NO REPLY.....

And how long does it normally take for dealer to answer mails??

My apologies, I mistook TripleD's quote for yours. Certainly, contact your dealer and get a replacement!


Renowned Member

BFH... applied through the caseback or crystsl; wind clockwise for a good 5 minutes; don't wind it; no playee with your toyee...

I'm thinking you probably didn't alot of the responses helpful. Sorry... all I can offer is hope your dealer is willing to work with you. Good luck.