If this were a different forum, things would have been much worse.
:lol1: In anticipation of what was coming next. Your sarcasm is the stuff of legend TB. Generally it's pretty damn funny. Usually it's controversial but... We are on the edge, we're teetering and... we've gone over the edge...
:err: For what it turned out to be. And no, it's not funny. Not at all.
So, again, what does that say about me???
Holy Crap.

I post something serious and it's taken as humor. The woman in that photo is probably dead right now as a result of stoning. I find nothing amusing about that. My intention was to show the extremes that other societies (specifically members of the Muslum community) go to punish women who have disgraced the family by way of stoning or "honor killing."
Shafia family members guilty of first-degree murder
Three daughters murdered for nothing less than being "western."
I'm not sure what THAT has to do with any of this. I tried to qualify EVERYTHING I said prior to your post. I don't know ANYTHING about being a parent. I do know right from wrong and that there can also be a "grey area" where that's concerned. I also know that things can be taken for granted; that "family life" can be significantly different for some people. Sometimes it's in a part of the world where things are viewed differently and sometimes it's in your own backyard.
The step dad that I referred to was my Mom's second husband (#2 of 3). He was a pederast. I knew instinctively there was something horribly wrong with him when I first met him (another story). He tried to spank me once. He also insisted I remove my pants to do it. My response was to pin his arms to his sides and drive him through the china cabinet. I was out of the house shortly after that. I was also sixteen at the time. Said "step dad" was eventually convicted of molesting a child in neighborhood long after I moved out. I sincerely hope that he burns in hell for all eternity. If he's not already there, I hope that journey is long and as excruciatingly painful as it can possibly be.
So, yeah, I am not qualified to be a parent nor do I want to be. My wife, thank god, loves me for exactly who and what I am. I don't believe there can ever really be closure when something horrible happens. Sometimes those things change you irrevocably. You get through it no matter what and then, there is the "new" normal.
Maybe the father is an idiot. Maybe he just knows what he knows. Barring anything we may not be aware of, I don't think the daughter will suffer all that much.
Maybe I'm just bent...
I am also being sincere when I say that I am very glad that you and your wife have the relationship you do with your daughter. You are truly blessed.