No, that sort of info is not on the strip. Below is what is on the strip:
Track 1
- Format code (defined by the card brand)
- Primary Account Number (PAN) - aka credit card number
- First six character of the cardholder's last name
- Cardholder name suffix (i.e., JR, SR, II, etc.)
- First four characters of the cardholder's first name
- Cardholder's middle initial
- Cardholder title (i.e., MR, DR, etc.)
- Expiration date (two digit month and two digit year)
- Service code (this is set by the card brand to indicate the type of card such as Platinum, Gold, etc.)
- Proprietary data used by card issuer
Track 2
- Expiration date
- Service code
- PIN verification data (encrypted)
- Other discretionary data as defined by the card brand
Note: Discretionary Data fields are defined by the card issuer. Issuer-defined fields containing data that are not considered by the issuer to be sensitive authentication data may be included within the discretionary data portion of the track.
Your full name and address are considered sensitive authentication data (AFIK) so are not on your card. Neither is your PIN, it is impossible to work out the PIN from info stored on the card.
Also note: There are in fact three tracks on most cards, the last one is rarely used in banking/finance.
European credit cards have chips in them with pin numbers required for use in these instances.
You Americans are not using smart card CCs yet?
Mind you, if you live in a US state that has a mag strip on you driver's licence there is MUCH more info about you stored on there and you should not permit it to be swiped by anyone but a cop or the DMV.
Info stored on a driver's licence strip:
The following data is stored on track 1:
Start Sentinel - one character (generally '%')
State or Province - two characters
City - variable length (seems to max out at 13 characters)
Field Separator - one character (generally '^') (absent if city reaches max length)
Last Name - variable length
Field Separator - one character (generally '$')
First Name - variable length
Field Separator - one character (generally '$')
Middle Name - variable length
Field Separator - one character (generally '^')
Home Address (house number and street) - variable length
Field Separator - one character (generally '^')
Unknown - variable length
End Sentinel - one character (generally '?')
The following data is stored on track 2:
ISO Issuer Identifier Number (IIN) - 6 digits
Drivers License / Identification Number - 13 digits
Field Separator — generally '='
Expiration Date (YYMM) - 4 digits
Birth date (YYYYMMDD) - 8 digits
DL/ID# overflow- 5 digits (If no information is used then a field separator is used in this field.)
End Sentinel - one character ('?')
The following data is stored on track 3:
Template V#
Security V#
Postal Code
Hair Color
Eye Color
Reserved Space
Error Correction