I have not tested it but Ill send you one for a good price if you'd like to? PM me
Go ahead and PM me, I am going to make an official post on here to start offering these as this is a highly needed solution, it also is a upgrade as Ive noticed the following in my research and design of this gasket:
1. There seems to be two types of bezel gaskets used on gen watches and gen owners on the gen forums state either:
So in my research, brand new watches, mostly every gen 126610LN or LV, has a bezel with 0 horizontal play and tight clicks, though the biggest thing Ive noticed is the bezel height! The 126xxx have the glass ever so sightly higher than the bezel which attributes to positive clicks, 0 play in the bezel. You can notice the height of the crystal and it being slightly raised below.
- A) they have 0 up and down pay on the bezel, you cannot press on it and feel play, and the clicks are solid with no back play - or
- B) you can press on the bezel and feel play, and there is some back play ever so slight, like half a click, in the bezel.
My vsf 126610LV now has 0 horizontal play, 0 bcckplay, crisp clicks and the crystal is 1:1 matched with gen height. You can see this in my pic below and compare it to the gen pic after. Honestly, this is a mod and preferred upgrade to any VSF 126xxx watch 1000% and makes it more gen in bezel feel and crystal height.
Has anyone bought hytrel ring from him? I sent him the money, he has been silent for a week...