Maybe it's my eyes playing tricks on me, but the subdials on this CF look fairly good.
A Lower Resolution picture, but the Sub-dials are still clearly thicker than a Gen.
Exactly what i wanna say. But people in here keep saying the subdial is too fat even with the comparison. lol
This happens over and over, year after year, whenever a new factory releases a new Daytona or even a new version of a Daytona. The same thing happened with ARF, with Noob, and now with Clean.
- When a new Version is released, everyone always asks the same question... "How close is it to a Gen".
- Members with the resources and expertise describe the differences between the new Rep and a Gen as the new Reps are released.
- Members with the Software and Skills take the time to illustrate the difference for other Members to clearly see and compare.
- Some Members always complain that the comparisons are too "nit picky" and that the differences are too minute. They argue that the newly released versions are "good enough".
If you can not, or don't want to see the differences, and a Watch is "good enough" for you, then just go buy it and enjoy it for yourself. But please don't come on this forum and try to say that a new version is "close enough" in your opinion, so everyone else should just ignore or except the differences that are clearly there.
These comparisons are done as a favor to illustrate the differences to that each individual Member so they can decide for themselves what is "good enough", or unacceptable.