it's still crazy that we can not post a photo on this forum to ask opinions of members
Can you please once and for all consider that there may be a valid reason for having rules as they are? Failing to do so is just pure arrogance. If you are not able to understand that and if you're not happy with the rules you are more than welcome to leave the forum. Reddit or other replica forums may be better suited for you.
the problem is solved I found all the information I needed elsewhere,I contacted a friend in China who gave me all the information on the latest batches, I made my choice I bought one with a daytona
Yes instead of following the advice that many people gave you for your own good, which is to read the available content here, you went the lazy way and asked somebody else to spoon feed you
I'm gonna make a slight adaptation of the well known quote:
Teach a man how to fish and if he's willing to, he'll have food for the rest of his life. Give a man a fish and he'll come back to you every day whining for a fish and complaining that he hasn't gotten one on that day yet
Please do not try to argue, and do not try to have the last word with a smart ass comment. You have already spammed this thread and others enough
I won't reply any more of your messages, I've wasted enough time
Grow up and learn