- 18/1/17
- 6,041
- 7,940
- 113
Nice, but your hour hand looks about 7 minutes slower than the minute hand. May need to reposition them.
Nice, but your hour hand looks about 7 minutes slower than the minute hand. May need to reposition them.
I'd like to share my experience with Johnny Depp, about a GMT II Pepsi "Clean Factory" bought few days ago at M2M.
Different angle...
After spending this morning reading old posts trying to understand exactly what a "lip" is I'm still no wiser. All I found was guys trash talking each other for in 400 posts ABOUT the lip and tutorials ABOUT lip-mods.
Aren't there a simple comparison pic with CF and gen where an arrow shows what the lip looks like? I'm on the way of ordering one and better to ask now so I can judge my QC for myself.
After spending this morning reading old posts trying to understand exactly what a "lip" is I'm still no wiser. All I found was guys trash talking each other in 400 posts ABOUT the lip. Also I found tutorials ABOUT lip-mods but not a simple lip-pic explained.
Aren't there a simple comparison pic with CF and gen where an arrow shows what the lip looks like? I'm on the way of ordering one and better to ask now so I can judge my QC for myself.
After spending this morning reading old posts trying to understand exactly what a "lip" is I'm still no wiser. All I found was guys trash talking each other in 400 posts ABOUT the lip. Also I found tutorials ABOUT lip-mods but not a simple lip-pic explained.
Aren't there a simple comparison pic with CF and gen where an arrow shows what the lip looks like? I'm on the way of ordering one and better to ask now so I can judge my QC for myself.
sorry if I go off topic but now the lip in the bezel is also present on the batman? Also could you tell me if in the 116710 CF the engraving in the case is correct?
Thank you very much ;-)
Both the batman and pepsi have a lip, but the lip on the pepsi is ~2-3x fatter. The pics above comparing the batman bezel to pepsi bezel show this difference very nicely. The "lip mod" simply takes the thin lip on the v1 pepsi and turns it into a slightly fatter lip via some delicate sanding and polishing.