Enjoy the downtime man!
I am already in bed. Early morning for me tomorrow
Joined the ranks today while I made a stop at Wally World. Resizing that bracelet was an interesting experience.
For whatever reason can't link to photobucket. Error that the file is too large....
For tonight
Joined the ranks today while I made a stop at Wally World. Resizing that bracelet was an interesting experience.
For whatever reason can't link to photobucket. Error that the file is too large....
Having been infected by the Royale, I just bought the silver one as well. I think I'm going to make it "desert storm style" with a brown pad and light grey / beige suede strap. :smile:
So it's about 1am here which is long after my bedtime. My wife always gets my son out of bed when we are up this late to go potty (he just turned 4) and what does she find? Someone has been I. Daddy's watchbox.... the little stinker stole my royale.... he does have great taste though. I had to take a snap and share here as we may have a newest member
Welcome to the club sir!
Daddy is a valued member of this Club.
Congrats on following him in his footsteps.!
You made a very, very good watch selection my little man. It looks really cool on you
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