I would add a few words of advice from a noob to other noobs:
1. You are buying a replica of a watch that may cost thousands to $100K+ if genuine. There is a reason that your rep is $600 and the gen is $75K, and it isn't "marketing expenses and advertising." A rep will have flaws, maybe small, maybe large. Decide up front whether you are the type of person that will freak out about whether the date window on your new AP is to close to the tachy ring or whether you need to have it serviced for $250 at some point.
2. A rep is made somewhere in Guangzhou, probably, by low paid Chinese workers. Quality control on a complex watch like an A7750 is not going to be perfect. You aren't buying from Amazon. Small things can be fixed for less than it costs to send back to China, wait, and finally get it back 3 months later. See what your Trusted Dealer wants you to do (you did buy from a TD, right?). Don't freak out. Work it out with the TD, then the Mods if necessary.
3. The TD's get a bunch of email every day. It's reasonable to expect a response within 24-48 hours if you haven't bought yet -- if you don't get a response, go to another TD. If you have bought, patience is a virtue. They don't have warehouse fulfillment and instant shipping like Amazon. They are going to take care of you.
4. After you have bought, it is definitely fair to expect a reasonable response to a substantive question, but not, "when are you sending it," "when will it get here," or other types of questions that have been answered many times here, such as what "turned over to customs" means, etc. Don't email a TD every hour, getting more and more irritated. There is a time difference, a lot of email, and that takes time. So even if you have bought and are waiting for QC pics, take a deep breath and chill for 72 hours before asking for status. They are TD's here for a reason . . . they generally take care of forum members.
5. Develop a relationship with a TD, so that he knows who you are. A TD that knows who you are is much more likely to help you quickly. My only experience has been with Ryan, Andrew and Joshua, and I can highly recommend them for getting back to me within 24 hours and usually significantly less.